Paradise Diaries
Life is not kicking me in tha balls. I'm grateful to the universe for letting its boot
off my neck. Now I can focus on the important: cultivating my off-putting personality.
I'm kinda annoying
But I suppose that is not my problem :3
I've gotten weirder
My voice sounds like an alien's. There is something so familiar yet strange to my face. My tummy
is full of hair. I hope this doesn't mean anything.
I have a tatoo
It's a lamb because i'm literally Jesus Christ
I should write
How do you even write?
New year resolutions:
Same as last year
- Be autistic
- Be silly
- Be clocky
I'm drunkkkkkk
Why does one beer make me feel like this
My life fucking sucks ass
I'm happy anyway.
After some weeks of turmoil
I can be positive about something. No longer artblocked. Currently Artmaxxing.
Time goes by soooo sloooowwwww...
And times change so fast. I'm keeping up with everything. Wining the IDGAF war and losing it
Art theory for a dummy like me
I'm soooo dumb dumb. I can't read. Knowledge just enters my head and never leaves. Too much
theory, little time.
I want to change the world so bad
I can't wait to be known as the new messiah. I want a gun on my shoulder and God's army. We will
make Kingdom of Heavens on Earth.
I think I have an ED
Birthday Wishlist
- Los peligos de fumar en la cama, Mariana Enríquez
- Lapvona, Otessa Moshfegh
- El priorato del naranjo, Samantha Shannon
- La historia del mundo: un atlas, Christian Grataloup
- Clásicos griegos de Alianza editorial
Dear whatever... Summer sucks and it always did. I didn't even go
to the beach once. Mostly because I hate it. Been doomwatching lots of films.
Been doomreading Stone Butch Blues. I'm not even bored I'm just so lazy.
Lost battles
Cleaning, putting some order in my life. I'm not the problem, my room is. My
desk looks like a dumpster because I don't have a good system to organize. It is
so tiring. Everytime I finish one thing, there comes another. It does not end. Moving in 3
weeks does not help. Half of my objects will be gone to my new house and they are being a
real pain in the ass.
Moving to dreamland
College is right there, but I can't see it yet. I'm kinda looking forward to it. But at the same time,
I love life in my hometown. It's like choosing between mom and dad in a loving, nurturing family.