Las películas que todo hombre cinéfilo te va a mansplainear
- 2001: A space Oddysey (1968)
- 300 (2006)
- American Psycho (2000)
- Donnie Darko (2001)
- Dredd (2012)
- Drive (2011)
- Fight club (1999)
David Fincher
- Goodfellas (1990)
Martin Scorsese
- Her (2013)
Spike Jonz
- Inception (2012)
Christopher Nolan
- Interstellar (2014)
Christopher Nollan
- Joker (2019)
Todd Phillips
- Kill Bill (2003)
- Lord of the rings (2001)
- Matrix (1999)
- Oldboy(2003)
Park Chan-Wook
- Pulp fiction (1994)
Quentin Tarantino
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the world (2010)
- Requiem for a Dream (2000)
- Seven (1995)
David Fincher
- Sin City (2005)
- Taxi Driver (1976)
- The Dark Knight (2008)
- The Godfather (1972)
- The social network (2010)
- The Truman Show (1998)
- The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
- Trainspotting (1996)
- V for Vendetta (2005)
James McTeigue
- Watchmen (2009)
- Whiplash (2014)